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How to Create a Workshop That People Love to Attend

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It's frustrating to spend weeks planning and creating a workshop only to see attendees look at their phones or leave early. You want them to leave inspired, informed, and ready to act. But how do you make sure your virtual workshop adds real value to their lives?

In this guide, you'll learn how to create a workshop that doesn't just meet expectations but exceeds them.

What is a Virtual Workshop?

Before we get into how to create a workshop, let's cover what a virtual workshop actually is. A virtual workshop is an online event where participants join to learn and interact online, rather than in-person. These sessions are usually designed to be interactive and engaging.

Why Host a Virtual Workshop

Here’s why you should create a workshop in the first place. 

Accessibility and Flexibility

Virtual workshops are accessible. Participants can join from anywhere. This lets you reach a broader audience. 


Virtual workshops are often cheaper than physical ones. You save on venue rental, travel, and physical materials. This is helpful for small businesses or startups with tight budgets.

Wider Reach and Engagement

Virtual workshops can be as, or even more engaging than live ones.  Interactive features like live polls and Q&A sessions in virtual workshop tools like Contrast get people to participate. Sometimes more than they would in-person. 

Workshops that Wow Attendees

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Planning Your Virtual Workshop

Let’s dive into the actual tactics to understand how to create a workshop. Start by planning ahead before you host a virtual workshop. Here’s what you should think about: 

Define Your Goals

Set clear goals for your virtual workshop. This will help you create focused content and activities.

  • Identify the Purpose: Know why you're hosting the workshop. Are you educating, training, or inspiring? If you're training employees on new software, your goal might be to make sure everyone can use it confidently by the end.
  • Key Takeaways: Decide what participants should learn or achieve. Break these into specific, actionable points. For example, "By the end of this workshop, attendees will be able to navigate the software, perform basic tasks, and troubleshoot common issues."

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience will help you tailor your workshop.

  • Research Your Audience: Learn as much as you can about who they are, their interests, and pain points. Use surveys or questionnaires to gather this information. Tools like SurveyMonkey or Google Forms are great for this.
  • Tailor Your Content: Customize your content based on your audience’s needs. For example, if your audience is small business owners, you might focus on practical strategies they can implement themselves. 
  • Create Personas: Develop audience personas to represent different segments. This helps you visualize who you’re speaking to and what they need.

Choosing the Right Workshop Tools

Having the right tools makes everything easier. Here's how to choose good virtual workshop tools:

Selecting the Virtual Workshop Tools

The software you choose can make or break your virtual workshop. Here’s what to look for:

  • Interactivity and Engagement: Your virtual workshop platform should offer interactive features like polls, Q&A sessions, and breakout rooms. Tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams are popular, but platforms like Contrast provide engagement features designed specifically for workshops.
  • Ease of Use: The software should be user-friendly for both hosts and participants. Complicated setups can deter attendees. 
  • Affordability: Cost is critical, especially for small businesses. Look for virtual workshop tools that offer a good balance between cost and features. A lot of webinar platforms offer free versions with their most basic features. But we give away almost all of our features on our free plan. We believe everyone should be able to create a workshop that is fun - no matter their budget. 
  • Professional Appearance: High-quality video and audio and a branded experience can make a significant difference. At Contrast, we pride ourselves on giving companies a tool that makes workshops beautiful and on-brand
Image showing Contrast’s registration page and virtual workshop experience
Create virtual workshops that looks great with Contrast

Technical Requirements to Host a Virtual Workshop

Make your virtual workshop a success with the right setup.

Here's what you need:

  • Stable Internet Connection: Aim for at least 10 Mbps upload and download speeds to avoid interruptions. Tools like Speedtest can help you check your internet speed.
  • Quality Camera: A good camera makes you look professional. Consider options like the Logitech BRIO or Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000 for clear, professional video quality.
  • Reliable Microphone: Good audio is as important as good video. Invest in a quality microphone like the Audio-Technica ATR2100X-USB or Blue Yeti. Clear audio helps maintain audience engagement.
  • Proper Lighting: Good lighting can improve video quality dramatically. Use natural light or invest in affordable lighting kits. Proper lighting eliminates shadows and highlights your expressions.
  • Backup Equipment: Always have backups ready. This includes a secondary internet connection (like a mobile hotspot), an extra webcam, and a backup microphone. You can quickly switch if something goes wrong.

How to Create a Workshop Presentation

Let’s dive into how to create a workshop presentation. Outline your agenda and main points first. Then, use visuals and interactive elements to keep your audience engaged. Here’s how:

Crafting a Compelling Workshop Agenda

A clear agenda keeps your workshop on track and sets expectations. Here’s how to do it:

Break Down the Workshop Agenda

Divide your workshop into parts. This keeps your audience engaged and ensures you cover all key points. Start with a brief introduction, followed by the main content, interactive sessions, and a wrap-up.

Include Interactive Elements

Use activities like polls, Q&A sessions, and group discussions to maintain engagement.

Check out this guide for more info: How to Create Effective Webinar Poll Questions that Get Your Audience Talking

Set Clear Objectives for Each Segment

Defined objectives help everyone stay focused. For instance, "Introduction: Explain the workshop goals and agenda. Main Content: Teach the core skills needed. Interactive Session: Apply the skills through group activities."

Use Time Wisely: 

Give enough time for each part, including breaks. Here’s a sample virtual workshop agenda you can use for a 45-minute session. 

First 5 Minutes: Introduction and Welcome

  • Introduce yourself and your background.
  • Allow time for late arrivals to join the virtual workshop.
  • Outline the virtual workshop's objectives from the participants' perspective, e.g., "By the end of this workshop, you'll be able to [achieve specific goal]."

Minutes 5-10: Hook and Setting the Stage

  • Begin with an engaging story, surprising statistic, or a challenging question to capture interest.
  • Explain the relevance of the workshop topic for participants.

Minutes 10-15: Gauge Audience Knowledge

  • Use quick polls or yes/no questions to assess the participants' prior knowledge.
  • Adjust the presentation flow based on the feedback received.

Minutes 15-20: The Core of your Workshop Presentation

  • Dive into the main content of the workshop. 
  • Use visuals, stories, and practical examples to explain key points.
  • Break down complex ideas into manageable steps.
  • Encourage participants to submit questions in the chat, letting them know these will be addressed later.

Minutes 20-25: Mid-way Q&A

  • Hold a brief Q&A session to clarify any points and address questions.
  • Use the virtual workshop tool's built-in Q&A features to streamline the process.

Minutes 25-35: Practical Application of Core Content

  • Demonstrate how to apply the learned concepts in real-life scenarios.
  • Use screen sharing to show specific tools or software in action if relevant.
  • Present scenarios or role-play exercises to practice new skills.
  • Remind participants to ask questions in the chat, with a promise to address them in the final Q&A.

Minutes 35-40: Final Q&A

  • Address any remaining questions from participants.

Minutes 40-45: Wrap-up, Key Takeaways, and Call to Action

  • Recap the main points covered during the virtual workshop.
  • Provide clear next steps for applying the learned material.
  • End with a call to action, directing participants to further resources or encouraging them to implement what they've learned.

Creating High-Quality Visuals

Good visuals help people understand and remember information. Here’s how to make your presentations stand out:

  • Use Branded Templates and Slides: Consistent branding makes your presentation look professional. Use your company’s colors, logos, and fonts. Tools like Canva and Google Slides offer easy-to-use templates.
  • Use Multimedia: Add videos, infographics, and images to make your presentation more engaging. Visual content helps explain complex ideas clearly and keeps your audience’s attention. Use a short video to show a concept or an infographic to summarize key points.
  • Use AI Tools: Tools like help you create visually appealing slides quickly. 
  • Keep Text Minimal: Avoid cluttering your slides with too much text. Use bullet points to highlight key points.
  • Recording and Playback:. Most workshop tools like Contrast offer recording features. This lets participants catch up or reference it later.

Engage your Audience during Workshops

Start for free with up to 30 registrants. No credit card needed.

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Promoting Your Workshop

Now that you’ve created your workshop presentation, it's time to let people know about it. In this section we'll show you how to promote your workshop. 

How to Create a Workshop Registration Page

You need to create a workshop registration page that converts. Here's how to do it effectively:

  • Craft an Attention-Grabbing Title: Your workshop title should be specific and compelling. We built an AI-tool that helps you generate great webinar titles. You can use it for virtual workshops too. 
  • Write a Clear and Concise Description: Explain the workshop’s value in a few bullet points. Here’s an example:
  • Learn advanced project management techniques.
  • Gain hands-on experience with top project management tools.
  • Network with industry experts.
  • Include Speaker Information: Highlight your speakers' credentials. For instance, “John Doe, PMP, will guide you through advanced project management strategies.”
  • Provide Logistical Details: Share the basics like date, time, and duration. Include the timezone and add buttons for downloadable calendar events. 
  • Add a Strong Call to Action (CTA): Use a clear and engaging CTA like “Secure Your Spot!” Make the CTA button stand out with a bright color.
  • Use Visuals: Combine text with images to enhance the page’s appeal. Use visuals to highlight key points and maintain a clean, professional look.
Numeral Webinar Registration Page on Contrast
An event registration page built using Contrast

For more details, check out our guide on building effective webinar registration pages.

Virtual Workshop Marketing Strategies

Effective marketing strategies help attract attendees to your workshop. We’ve included some links to our in-depth marketing guides below. 

  • Email Marketing: Use personalized emails to reach your audience. Highlight the benefits of attending and include a clear CTA. Use attention-grabbing subject lines.
More info: Webinar Email Subject Lines That Work in 2024 (+ Templates)
  • Personalize Your Message: Tailor your emails to the recipient's interests. Mention past interactions or specific needs they have. For example, “Hi [Name], you previously showed interest in project management. Our upcoming workshop will help you master advanced techniques.”
  • Timing: Send your first email invitation about a month before you host a workshop, followed by reminders as the date approaches. A last-minute reminder on the day of the event can boost attendance. 
  • Social Media Campaigns: Promote your workshop on platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. 
  • Collaborate with Influencers: Partner with industry influencers to expand your reach. They can promote your workshop to their followers, adding credibility and attracting more attendees. Choose influencers who align with your workshop’s theme and target audience.
  • Use Testimonials and Social Proof: Showcasing testimonials and endorsements from influencers can boost your workshop’s credibility and appeal. 
  • Use Paid Advertising: If you have a budget, run paid ads on platforms like Google, LinkedIn, and Facebook.
More info: What is Demand Generation? Ultimate 2024 Guide
  • Leverage Webinars: If you’ve created a workshop that has a cost, host a free webinar as a promotional vehicle. Provide valuable content and use it to promote the full workshop. This gives potential attendees a taste of what to expect and increases their interest.

Running the Workshop

Now it's time to run your virtual workshop. Get prepared, use the right workshop tools, and keep your audience engaged throughout the session.

Pre-workshop Preparation

Your workshop’s success starts with solid preparation. Conduct a dry run. This practice session will help you spot and fix issues before going live. Simulate real conditions as much as possible. It will minimize any hiccups during the actual workshop.

Technical checks are important too. Make sure your camera, microphone, and internet connection are reliable. Use a good quality camera and microphone for clear audio and video. A wired internet connection is more stable than Wi-Fi. Test everything in advance to avoid tech problems that can ruin your workshop.

More info: Essential Webinar Equipment

Have a moderator or assistant ready. This person will manage the chat and Q&A. They can handle questions and solve minor issues, keeping the session on track. They should know the agenda and key points so they can answer basic questions and direct complex ones to you. 

Screenshot of Contrast webinar Studio
Contrast webinar Studio built for engagement

Our Webinar Studio is the backend of our platform for workshop hosts, speakers, and teammates. It’s where you set up everything for your workshop like slides, branding, and Q&As. It also acts like a green room for your workshop. It’s a place to prepare and practice before going live. 

Engaging Your Audience

Don’t let your workshop become boring. Use live polls and quizzes to keep them interactive. You can use them to keep the session fun and also to gather real-time feedback.

Encourage questions and participation throughout the workshop. You can use Contrast’s Q&A feature to manage questions and highlight them to viewers. For large audiences, prioritize the most relevant questions. 

GIF showing Contrast’s Q&A feature
Contrast makes it easy to create a workshop

We built Contrast to make webinars and workshops more engaging. Everything is focused on making it easier for workshop hosts and attendees to interact.

More info: How to Create Engaging Webinars that Capture Audience Attention

Post-Workshop Follow-Up

Follow up with attendees after you run a workshop. Send a thank-you email, share extra materials, and ask for feedback to improve future sessions.

Sending Follow-Up Emails

After your workshop, send follow-up emails. Start by thanking attendees for their participation. It can make a big impact.

Provide Additional Resources: Include links to materials mentioned during the workshop. This could be slides, recordings, or further reading. 

Ask for Feedback: Send a survey to gather insights on what worked well and what could be improved. Tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey make this easy.

Example Follow Up Email Outline:

  • Subject Line: Thank You for Attending Our Workshop!
  • Greeting: Hi [Name],
  • Thank You Note: Thanks for attending [Workshop Title]! We hope you got a lot out of the session. 
  • Resource Links: Here are the materials we covered:
    • [Link to Slides]
    • [Link to Recording]
  • Feedback Request: We'd love to hear your thoughts. Please fill out this short survey so we can make our next workshop even better: [Survey Link]
  • Call to Action: Be the first to know about our next event by signing up here: [Sign-Up Link]
  • Closing: Best regards, [Your Name]
Screenshot of Contrast’s email builder features
You can set up and personalize workshop follow up emails in Contrast

With Contrast, you can schedule and personalize follow-up emails with ease. The personalization makes follow-ups more engaging and relevant.

Analyzing Workshop Data

Analyzing the data from your workshop helps you understand its impact and areas for improvement. Focus on key metrics to track:

Key Metrics to Track:

  • Attendance Rate: Measure how many registered versus how many attended. This helps gauge interest and the effectiveness of your promotion.
Go deeper: How to Increase Webinar Attendance Rates: 15 Practical Tips
  • Engagement Levels: Look at how active participants were during the workshop. Did they ask questions, participate in polls, or stay for the entire session?
  • Feedback Scores: Use survey responses to get qualitative data on participant satisfaction.
Screenshot of Contrast’s analytics features
Contrast’s analytics let you see what’s working

Contrast provides detailed workshop analytics on every plan - including our free one! You can track attendance, engagement, and more. 

Tips for Continuous Improvement

As mentioned, you should use attendee feedback and your analytics to improve the next workshop you create. You should also stay on top of best practices and try new formats. 

  • Stay Current with Industry Trends: Keep your content relevant by regularly updating it with the latest industry trends and best practices. This keeps your workshops fresh and positions you as a thought leader. You can stay up to date with best practices by following our webinar channel. We host workshops and webinars that are all about making yours better. 
  • Experiment with New Formats: Try different formats and structures to see what resonates with your audience. This could include shorter sessions, guest speakers, or more hands-on activities. Test these changes and gather feedback to see what works best. Contrast supports various workshop formats and provides the tools to seamlessly switch between them.
  • Repurpose Workshop Content: Your workshop doesn’t have to be a one-time thing. You can make a recording available on-demand and repurpose the content. Our AI features make it easy to turn your workshop into other formats like articles, emails, or short-form videos. 
Screenshot of Contrast’s AI features
Repurpose your workshop content with our AI tools


There it is. Now you know how to create a workshop. It’s a lot to put into practice though. We know. Managing all these steps can be overwhelming. We built Contrast to simplify this process. Our platform has everything you need to create a workshop that your attendees will love.You can use it for free to see for yourself.

Create a free account today to streamline your workshop management and boost attendee engagement.


What is the best time to host a workshop?

The best time to host a workshop is at 2 PM local time. According to our data, webinars and workshops held at this time have the highest live attendance rates, around 50%. 

How to choose the right workshop topic?

To choose the right workshop topic, you need to understand your audience's needs and interests. If you don’t know, you can run surveys or polls to gather input. If you’ve created workshops before, you can analyze data from them to identify related workshop topics. 

What is the ideal length for a workshop?

Based on our webinar data, the ideal workshop length is 60 to 90 minutes. This duration covers material without overwhelming attendees. 

Workshops that Wow Attendees

Start for free with up to 30 registrants. No credit card needed.

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