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Video Marketing: Ultimate Guide to Success

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Video marketing isn't an exclusive club for giant corporations with endless budgets. Businesses of all sizes are now seizing the power of video to connect with their audiences.

Think about it; more than 500 hours of video content is uploaded to YouTube every minute. That's more content than anyone could digest in several lifetimes. All things considered, this potential for exposure is no longer just a big brand luxury. It's becoming a necessity for businesses of all sizes to hold a stake in the digital world.

This blog acts as a guide through the promising world of video marketing that is no longer confined to the high walls of corporate giants.

How to Implement Video Marketing Strategies for Your Business

  • Identifying your video marketing goals provides the road map for your strategy
  • The type of video content chosen should align with your brand and audience preferences
  • Creating engaging video content is the key to getting your message out & capturing audience attention

Let's put the spotlight on the process for implementing video marketing strategies.

Step 1: Define Your Video Marketing Goals

Taking the first step into the realm of video marketing starts with crystal clear goal setting. Are you aiming for increased brand awareness or focusing on boosting your lead generation? Perhaps your aim is user education about a particular new product or service. Your goals will guide your video marketing tactics, channeling your efforts and resources to achieve the desired outcomes.

Crucially, these goals must be measurable, tethered to some metric that provides insight into your video marketing performance. Without measurable goals, your strategy could drift off course like a boat without a compass. Measurable goals offer meaningful targets as well as indicators of when adjustments are necessary to stay on track.

SMART goals are a powerful framework for setting clear, achievable objectives. The acronym SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Each element serves as a guideline to ensure your goals are well-defined and within reach.

  • Specific means your goal should be clear and precise, so you know exactly what you're aiming for. Instead of saying, "I want a lot of registrants for my webinar" specify the goal to something like, "I want 300 people to register to my webinar"
  • Measurable criteria allow you to track your progress. For the webinar goal, it's easy to measure the number of registrants in your webinar dashboard.
  • Achievable means setting realistic goals that you're capable of accomplishing. It's about finding the balance between challenging yourself and not setting yourself up for failure.
  • Relevant ensures that your goal matters to you and aligns with your other business objectives. It's about making sure the goal is worth your time and effort.
  • Time-bound adds a deadline, creating urgency and helping you focus. For example, aiming to achieve those 300 registrants for your next webinar in 2 weeks.

Step 2: Choose the Right Type of Video Content

The second stage of your journey urges you to consider video content types that will best match your identified goals. If your intention is to build brand awareness, perhaps an entertaining viral-style video would work well. To nurture leads, consider informative webinars or product demonstrations. When educating users is the primary goal, tutorial or how-to videos might be the gold standard.

Each video category has its unique strengths and appeal, which may vary across different audience segments. It is crucial to match your video content to not only your goals but also your target audience's preferences and behaviors.

Different types of video content (Source:
Different types of video content (Source:

Step 3: Create Engaging Video Content

Your content strategy will be significantly amplified by developing engaging video content that captures your audience's attention. Engaging content is more likely to be viewed, shared, and sometimes even viral—increasing your brand's exposure immeasurably.

Focus on shaping content that resonates with your target audience, appealing to their interests, values and addressing their pain points. Videos that offer solutions to problems will naturally draw an audience. Integrating storytelling into your videos can also enhance their appeal, creating an emotional connection with viewers.

Take advantage of tools and techniques that enhance engagement. Call to actions, for example, can guide viewers to a follow-up step, while captions can make your video content accessible even when the sound is off.

Using interactive tools is a great way to create more engaging video content: the best webinars are those where you feel lik eyou're having a conversation with the hosts. Running Q&A sessions, polls, or interacting in the chat are great ways to make your videos more engaging.

Q&A sessions on Contrast
Q&A sessions on Contrast

Video marketing is not a maze that only big brands can navigate. With clear goals, the right content, and a focus on engagement, businesses of all sizes can reap tremendous benefits from an expertly executed video marketing strategy.

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Maximizing the Benefits of Video Marketing

  • Elevating brand recognition with dynamic visuals
  • Skyrocketing sales by harnessing the persuasive power of video content

Boosting Brand Awareness with Video Marketing

Videos have surfaced as unrivaled tools in establishing a robust digital footprint for businesses. Cleverly crafted video content allows companies to depict their values, visions, and unique selling propositions in an engaging multi-sensory format that sticks with audiences.

The inherent virality of visually appealing content disperses brand messages across wider customer demographics more efficiently. According to HubSpot marketing statistics, 89% of people say that they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video. (Wyzowl, 2023)

Our data shows that customers that run branded webinars have higher registration rates, attendance rates, and end up selling more & better than customers that don't brand their webinars.

Furthermore, unlike static content, videos give businesses the liberty to communicate their stories in a motion picture format. Complementing brand stories with elements like background music, voice-overs, animations, etc. provides an emotional depth that's hard to achieve with written content.

Many B2B businesses suffer from a lack of fun. Think of how you can make your videos and virtual events more fun.

Driving Sales with Video Marketing

Arguably, the biggest motivation for any marketing initiative is to stimulate sales growth - an aim video marketing excels at. By putting meticulously designed video content out there, businesses can dramatically boost conversion rates. However, to reap such high returns, the content has to resonate with the potential customer’s needs and preferences.

Product demos, webinars, explainer videos, customer testimonials, and even simple promotional clips can play significant roles in nudging consumer behaviors. They offer a visually rich, informative, and persuasive insight into a product or service that other content types fail to replicate.

All of these types of video marketing fit into a funnel, slowly driving your leads from simply aware of your brand, to being fully-fledged customers.

Integrating compelling calls-to-action within these videos, along with strategic placements on various digital platforms, can further drive customer engagement, lead generation, and ultimately, sales.

Remember, the success of video marketing strategy in driving sales is heavily dependent on understanding and catering to the target audience's behaviors, expectations, and pains. Therefore, any video marketing strategy must place the customer at its core.

Why Video Marketing is Essential for Businesses

  • Video marketing is cost-effective
  • Videography boosts business growth

The Affordability of Video Marketing

With the number of available free online tools and platforms, video marketing has become more affordable than ever. It's no longer exclusive to companies with extravagant marketing budgets.

Gone are the days when creating a video meant hiring a professional videographer and spending thousands on high-end equipment. In its place, a simple smartphone and some creativity can go a long way.

Affordable, easy-to-use recording, editing, and distribution software is widely available, making it simpler for companies to produce compelling content with minimal cost and effort. They also allow for quick and easy changes, making it possible to adapt the content to evolving business needs and trends. This affordability allows businesses to compete in the video marketing space, reaching more audiences and boosting overall visibility.

Some of our favorite (and cheapest) video marketing tools:

The Impact of Video Marketing on Business Growth

Video marketing can greatly impact the growth of businesses, even small ones. It has become a vital tool in establishing an online presence and driving customer engagement.

Customer engagement is known to increase when a video is involved. By incorporating videos into their marketing strategy, businesses can significantly enhance their interaction with potential customers.

Moreover, videos can help improve SEO. Search engines favor websites with video content, leading to higher rankings in search results. This can improve a business's visibility, expanding the consumer base, and potentially improving sales figures.

Video SEO is also a great strategy to outrank competitors that might have bigger budgets, older domains, or more resoruces.

Screenshot of video embed tool
Embed your videos with metadata on your website

Not only that, but videos are shareable. They can spread across social media platforms quickly and drive more traffic to your website. If a video is enjoyable or informative, people are likely to share it, putting your brand in front of a larger audience without any additional effort or cost on your part.

In a digital world where attention spans are notoriously short, videos can captivate potential customers and convey your brand's message efficiently and effectively. And given their affordability and impact on business growth, video marketing is certainly a tool that businesses shouldn't overlook.

  • Discover how short-form video content is grabbing attention
  • Understand the crucial role of Video SEO in marketing

The Rise of Short-Form Video Content

People's attention spans are getting shorter; thus, short-form video has risen to popularity. Considered to be 60 seconds or less, these bite-sized videos are shared on social platforms like Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, and Facebook. The advantage? They're cheaper, quicker to produce, and can reach a broad audience with minimal budget. But what's most important - they engage viewers quickly, providing brands a chance to stand out amidst all the digital clutter.

These snappy, addictive videos are perfect for mobile users, who now make up over half of all worldwide online traffic. Whether it’s a tutorial, a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your business, a customer testimonial, or a simple product demo – short-form videos can powerfully convey your message even in a bite-size format. This trend is here to stay, and marketers should ready themselves to make the most of it.

Using the hub and spoke model popularized by Gary V., create long-form video content (like a webinar) and then turn that main piece of content into different shorter form pieces of content: social posts, clips, blog articles, etc. You can also make it available on-demand to keep driving people to watch that content.

The Importance of Video SEO

Rarely do people see unsearched video content. That's why Video SEO is important. By optimizing your videos for search engines, you're increasing visibility, driving more organic traffic, and boosting engagement. And when the content is engaging, it drives viewers to share, potentially going viral. Overall, Video SEO adds value to your overall SEO strategy - helping your brand to rank higher in both video and web searches.

Learn how to outrank your competitors with Video SEO

Everything you need to know about video SEO: tools, tips and strategies.

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Keywords play a huge part in SEO. For videos, these aspects are important to optimize - video titles, descriptions, metadata, tags, captions and transcripts. But it goes beyond keywords. Google also considers the overall viewer experience - so factors like click-through-rates, video watch time, user engagement, and social shares also come into play. You can leverage AI for your SEO to help you create optimized content and rank faster.

By understanding and following video marketing trends, businesses of all sizes can tap into the power of video to increase brand visibility, foster engagement, and ultimately, drive growth.

Leveraging Video Marketing Tools for Success

Contrary to common belief, creating effective video content doesn't have to break the bank. There are numerous DIY tools available that can support businesses in creating engaging and high-quality content. These tools range from video creation and editing tools to video SEO tools, analytics tracking, and more. We'll cover a more detailed lists of tools in the next section.

Engaging with these tools not only helps in streamlining content creation and boosting video performance but also provides meaningful insights to enhance strategies and target your audience more effectively.

One thing's for sure: no matter the size your business - with the right strategies and tools in place, video marketing is not out of reach.

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Leveraging Video Marketing Tools for Success

  • Cutting-edge tools make crafting engaging visual content a breeze, no matter your tech prowess.
  • Videos can easily be shared and tracked across numerous platforms.
  • Data-driven performance evaluation is a key element of modern video marketing.

Video Creation Tools

Once a daunting task requiring specialized skills and equipment, video production has never been simpler. With versatile video creation tools at your disposal, crafting a compelling narrative moves from seeming like a mountain to becoming a manageable molehill.

For instance, apps like Biteable and Animaker help professionals create high-quality promotional videos from pre-built templates. With these tools, you won't need an in-depth understanding of video editing – simply choose a template you like and populate it with your content.

For longer form content like webinars, customer interviews, panel discussions, tools like Contrast allow you to invite people into a session. From here you will be able to record or livestream branded sessions, focusing on creating high-quality content instead of putting all your effort into making the video look good.

Some tools offer royalty-free music, stunning animations, and interactive features to make your videos more engaging. A variety of customizable themes makes it easy to align the video with your brand image.

Video Hosting Platforms

Once created, your videos need a home – and not just any home, but one that maximizes visibility and engagement. Fortunately, a plethora of video hosting platforms offers multi-faceted advantages.

Again, consider Contrast, which provides a user-friendly interface to host all of your video content in a Contrast-like experience. This branded experience has no ads, external content, and allows you to provide a high-quality experience to your viewers. You can also require people to register to watch the content, giving you a ton of data on who is consuming your content and how.

Screenshot of Video hosting on Contrast
Video hosting on Contrast

You can also use the free tool Embed to host videos and embed them on your website in a branded player.

Youtube can also give substantial exposure due to its massive user base. LinkedIn is also an option for B2B companies, as they allow targeted video shares within professional networks and can result in excellent viewer interactions.

Each platform has its own flavour of analytics, providing insights into views, shares, likes, and more, casting light on the video content that resonates with your audience.

Video Analytics Tools

Flicking on the switch of understanding, video analytics tools help you explore viewer behaviour in a new light. This data-driven approach, facilitated by tools like Contrast or Vidyard, empowers marketers to measure video performance and form solid strategies for improvement.

These tools can track much more than just views but a myriad of video analytics. They also capture data on viewer engagement, time watched, re-watches, and even heatmap views demonstrating where attention was most focused during your video. Such insights prove invaluable in tweaking your video strategy to enhance user engagement and conversion rates.

Screenshot of average watch time in Contrast
Viewer engagement on Contrast

In crafting your successful video marketing strategy, remember to harness powerful video creation tools, select appropriate hosting platforms, and utilize analytics to continuously refine for the best results.

Video Repurposing Tools

Video repurposing tools allow you to maximize the value of your video content by adapting it for different platforms, audiences, or formats. Here are some powerful tools that can help with video repurposing:

Contrast helps you repurpose your video content into different formats: newsletters, social posts, subtitles clips, and help you keep distributing your long-form content.

Lumen 5 is an AI-driven tool helps turn blog posts and articles into engaging videos. It's particularly effective for repurposing written content into video format for social media or content marketing.

Adobe Premiere Pro: A leading video editing software that offers a comprehensive set of features for editing, adjusting, and reformatting videos for various uses. It's ideal for creating different versions of a video for social media, web, or broadcast.

Each of these tools has its unique strengths, making them suitable for different types of video repurposing projects. Whether you're looking to adapt long-form content for social media, convert blog posts to video, or create promotional video clips from existing footage, there's a tool out there that can streamline the process and enhance your content's reach and impact.

Seize the Power of Video Marketing

Video marketing has now become a robust tool accessible to businesses of all sizes. It's no longer the playground for just big brands. The advent of technology and social media integration has leveled the playing field, providing an effective, engaging, and personalized means to reach your target audience.

This is a golden opportunity - an era where video content can gain you traction on social platforms, improve your SEO and ROI, increase brand awareness or credibility, and importantly, drive your customer engagement and conversions.

Here's what to do: start incorporating video marketing into your digital strategy. Try experimenting with different types of video, and understand what resonates with your audience. From a brief explainer video on your homepage to product tutorials or customer testimonials, each has the potential to make a powerful connection with your audience.

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