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How to Build the Perfect Webinar Invitation Email (Plus 20 Great Examples and Templates)

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Are you struggling to get enough people to sign up for your webinars? Rethinking your webinar invitation email should be your first step.

Despite being one of the oldest channels in digital marketing, email still dominates in the world of webinars. In 2024, most webinar signups still come from email marketing.

Does your webinar invitation email contain the right info? Is it eye-catching but easy to read? Is it engaging?

In this article, we cover everything you need to know about creating a perfect webinar invitation email. We will also give best practices, real-life examples, templates, and more.

Ready to craft a killer webinar invitation email?!

Importance of Creating a Good Webinar Invitation Email

For most, successfully hosting a webinar comes down to one metric: registrations. Creating a perfect webinar invitation email is one of the best things you can do to increase registrations. It can also boost awareness, as people are more likely to forward a good invitation email.

It’s all about giving a good impression and motivating your audience to not miss the event.

Create an eye-catching subject line

We all know that the subject line is the first thing people see in their inbox. Creating an attractive subject line is vital to persuading the recipient to open the email. An attractive subject line will contain simple words and perhaps even emojis that spark curiosity.

Here’s a simple framework for writing a good subject line:

Make It Clear

Your subject line should tell people what the webinar is about. It should be easy to understand.

Example: "Learn Digital Marketing in Our Webinar!"

Make It Exciting:

Use words that make people want to join now. Words like "last chance" or "special" can help.

Example: "Hurry! Join Our SEO Webinar Now!"

Use Their Name:
If you know the person's name, you can use it in the subject line.

Example: "Sarah, Join Our Webinar on Content!"

Keep It Short:
Most people check emails on their phones. So, keep your subject line short.

Example: "Join Us Tomorrow for Data Tips!"

Screenshots of different invitation emails for webinars
Webinar invitations emails and their subjects

Example webinar invitation subject lines

Webinar Invitation Email Best Practices with Examples

At Contrast, we’ve built a robust platform for hosting webinars (which you can try for free). By working with hundreds of customers, we’ve learned a few things about what makes a great webinar invitation email. We’ve shared examples below for how you can make yours stand out.

You probably shouldn’t try to include all of these ideas in a single email, because that would get too long. Keep each of these tips in mind though and deploy a mix of them in your invites.

1. Include a personalized message

Personalization helps you stand out among the ton of emails people get daily. This helps with trust and makes readers feel valuable.

This example from SaaS Connect shows some great personalization. They remind the person how they know them and even include the name of the last webinar that they registered for.

People are busy and they don’t often remember your business or why they’re on your email list. Giving them a bit of context helps reacquaint them with your brand.

Screenshot from a webinar invitation email from SaaS Connect
Personalized webinar invitation email from SaaS Connect

3. Design an attractive banner

Visual appeal matters. Incorporate an eye-catching banner or header graphic that aligns with your webinar's theme. Ensure that the design is clean, professional, and relevant.

Screenshot for a webinar invitation by HubSpot with a clear CTA
Notice the clear CTA on HubSpot's email

(Source: Contrast customer Vainu)

4. Include clear CTA buttons

Your Call to Action (CTA) buttons should grab the attention and communicate the desired action. Use action-oriented phrases like "Register Now," "Reserve Your Seat," or "Join the Webinar" to improve conversion rates.

Screenshot of a webinar email email with clear CTA from Vainu
Vainu's invitation email with a clear CTA at the bottom

(Source: Contrast customer Vainu)

5. Outline a detailed agenda for the webinar

Giving a detailed outline of the agenda helps the audience know what to expect. By sharing these details, they can see if the event will be valuable to them. Give a small introduction about the speakers and the key points that will be discussed in the webinar. By doing so, the audience won't feel like their time is wasted on a dull or mysterious event.

Screenshot of a webinar invitation email with a clear outline of the webinar
You can see the outline of the webinar clearly in this email

(Source: APIDM)

6. Add countdown timers

Countdown timers show how much time is left until the webinar begins. Adding timers not only creates a sense of urgency but also serves as a powerful reminder to the recipients. This can encourage quick registration.

Screenshot of a webinar registration email with a countdown in it
Countdowns are useful to encourage people to register

(Source: Pinpointe)

7. Encourage questions in advance

For seasoned webinar organizers, inviting questions in advance for a Q&A session fosters deeper engagement. Your audience gets to shape the content and feel like active participants even before the event begins.

Invitation email by Headspace where you can submit your question beforehand
Lovely example from Headspace

(Source: Headspace)

Every minute is precious. So it's good to make it easy for your audience to save the date by including calendar links. It's a small gesture that can pay off when it comes to attendance rate.

In this example, took it one step further and added multiple time slots that people could register for. This is a great idea for repeatable webinars like product demos.

Screenshot of a product demo invitation email with multiple timeslots
Email from with multiple date that people can join


9. Mobile optimization

This should be obvious by now, but make sure your email content and the registration process are optimized for mobile. As mentioned, many people check their email on the go. They should be able to easily read your invite email and register from their phone.

Screenshot of an email on a mobile phone
The perfect email that people most likely will read on their phone

(Source: Contrast customer Ahrefs)

10. Make it easy to read

Avoid having your email neglected due to lengthy and dull content. Use bullet points, concise subheadings, and formatting to engage your audience and keep their interest.

This webinar invitation email from Stripe is a great example of an easy-to-read invite.

Screenshot of a simple and straightforward webinar invitation email from Stripe
Easy-peasy example from Stripe

(Source: Stripe)

11. Add reviews and testimonials

Including reviews and testimonials in webinar invitation emails can enhance your invitation's effectiveness. This trust-building element is invaluable in an invitation email.

Screenshot of Skillshare and trust building by sharing testimonials of previous webinars
Build trust by sharing testimonials of previous webinars

(Source: Skill Share)

12. Social media integration

We all know how powerful social media can be for increasing awareness. Don't forget to add those social sharing buttons in your email. Make it easy for your audience to spread the word.

Screenshot with social media buttons at the bottom
Make it easier for your audience to share your webinar by including social media buttons

(Source: LiveFront)

13. Add the sender’s contact details

No one likes receiving a stale email from a corporation. It looks better coming from a real person at your company. You should also make it easy for your audience to reply by including the sender's contact details or a direct reply option. They should feel like there's a real person on the other end of the invitation.

Here’s a good example of this from Nicole at Nautical Commerce.

Screenshot of a webinar invitation email sent by a personal address
Including a sender that's not a company will help improve conversion rates

(Source: Nautical Commerce)

14. Add interactive elements

Enhance your emails with interactive elements like videos, polls, and surveys. Here’s a good example from Airbnb.

Screenshot from an email from Airbnb with a video in it
Great example that will trigger you to interact with the email

(Source: Airbnb)

15. Share speaker bios:

Providing a brief bio for each speaker will help to highlight their expertise and why they're worth listening to. It's like giving your audience a sneak peek backstage, making them feel more connected and excited about the webinar.

Here is an excellent example from Iterable.

Screenshot of a webinar invitation email by Iterable
If you have a speaker people will resonate to, share details about them

16. Exclusive Early Access Content

Offer a teaser or exclusive content related to the webinar topic that's accessible only to those who open the invitation email. This could be a brief video snippet, an infographic, or a downloadable resource. This kind of content gives recipients a taste of what to expect from the full webinar.

Screenshot of an email with a CTA to get exclusive content
Use exclusivity to get people to watch your webinar

(Source: WordStream)

17. Offer an early bird discount

If you’re hosting a paid webinar, then offering an early-bird discount could help. It drives urgency in buyers. You can also highlight if there are a limited number of discounts or webinar spots available.

This example is from an in-person event, but the hosts took a unique approach to discounts. To increase awareness, they offered it to those who shared the event with 3 friends.

Screenshot from an invite to an event
Share with a friend to get a discount

(Source: Onbrand)

18. Harness the power of webinar teasers

Remember those teasers before a big movie release? Well, they work for webinars too. Send out little sneak peeks before your main invitation. It builds excitement and leaves your audience wanting more.

Screenshot of a webinar invitation email from Wistia with a video preview
Build excitement with video previews

(Source: Wistia)

19. Highlight attendee benefits

Make sure to highlight the tangible benefits attendees will gain from your webinar, such as knowledge, skills, connections, or exclusive resources. This helps attendees decide if the investment is worth their time.

Screenshot of a webinar invitation email from Remotish
Share unique and recent insights with your attendees

(Source: Contrast customer Remotish)

20. Request Feedback

Continuous improvement is crucial in webinars. Requesting feedback from previous webinars can help with future planning. You might not always want to include a request for feedback in an invitation email, especially if it’s going out to your entire email list. But if you segment your email list by people who attended the last webinar. You can include a request for feedback on the last webinar alongside the invite.

Screenshot of a company asking for feedback after their webinar is over
Hive asks feedback after their webinar is over


Webinar Email Sequences

Creating a perfect webinar invitation is essential but it is not enough. Using an email sequence is crucial to get the most amount of registrations.

A webinar email sequence is a series of strategically timed emails. These are designed to guide your audience through the entire webinar process. Starting from registration to post-webinar follow-up.

Here’s how you can build it in five steps:

1) Build an attractive webinar invitation email

Crafting an engaging webinar invitation email is the first crucial step. This email should spark recipients' interest and compel them to register for your webinar.

Contrast’s webinar platform lets you customize the emails in your sequence:

Screenshot of all email settings inside Contrast, a webinar platform
Pre-configured webinar emails and sequencing on Contrast

2) Send a follow-up email to those who didn't register

For those who showed interest but didn't register for the webinar, a follow-up email can be a valuable touchpoint. This email should aim to rekindle their interest and address any potential concerns or objections they might have had.

Key points to note:

  • Express your understanding of their initial hesitation.
  • Emphasize the value and benefits of attending the webinar.
  • Address common objections or concerns and provide reassurance.
  • Include a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) to encourage registration.
  • Mention any limited-time offers or incentives, if applicable, to create a sense of urgency.
Screenshot from Contrast's follow-up email
Example event reminder email via Contrast’s Platform

3) Send a registration confirmation email

When someone registers for your webinar, their journey starts with a confirmation email. This email serves as a confirmation of their successful registration and sets the tone for the upcoming event.

Key points to note:

  • Express your excitement about their registration.
  • Offer a point of contact for questions or concerns.
  • Include an "Add to Calendar" button or link to help them remember the event.
  • Provide information on how they can access the webinar, including the link or login instructions.
Screenshot from Contrast's registration confirmation email
Example registration confirmation email from Contrast’s platform

4) Schedule webinar reminder emails

To ensure a high attendance rate, you should send a series of reminder emails leading up to the webinar. These reminders keep your event top of mind and encourage registrants to prioritize attendance.

Key points to note:

  • You can include a countdown timer to build anticipation.
  • Highlight key topics or speakers to remind them of the value they'll gain.
  • Encourage them to add the event to their calendar or set a reminder.
Screenshot from Contrast's Reminder email
Example event reminder email from Contrast’s platform

5) Thank You emails with event recordings and resources

These kinds of emails are suitable for all the attendees and non-attendees of the webinar. This can be used to express gratitude for their registration and provide post-event resources.

Key points to note:

  • Express your appreciation for their participation.
  • Share a link to the recorded webinar for those who couldn't attend live
  • Attach or link to the webinar slides or any additional resources.
  • Encourage attendees to provide feedback or ask for testimonials.
Screenshot from Contrast's Replay email
Example webinar replay email via Contrast’s platform
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Webinar Invitation Email Templates

Here are some of the ready-made templates that you can use.

1. General invitation template

Subject Line: Join Us for a Special Event!

Dear [Recipient's Name],

We are delighted to extend a heartfelt invitation to you for a memorable event that promises to be an unforgettable experience. Here are the details:

Event Details:

  • Date: [Date]

  • Time: [Time]

  • Location: [Location or Virtual Link]

What we'll cover in the webinar:

  • [Bullet points highlighting key topics, themes, or subjects that will be discussed during the event.]

Event Highlights:

1. Engaging Presentations: Our lineup of expert speakers and thought leaders will deliver engaging and insightful presentations on [Event Theme/Topic].

  • Speaker 1: [Speaker Name] [Speaker Bio: A brief introduction highlighting their expertise, accomplishments, and relevance to the event.]

  • Speaker 2: [Speaker Name] [Speaker Bio: A brief introduction highlighting their expertise, accomplishments, and relevance to the event.]

2. Interactive Workshops: Participate in hands-on workshops and gain practical skills and knowledge.

3. Networking Opportunities: Connect with fellow attendees, industry peers, and our speakers during our networking sessions.

4. Q&A Sessions: Have burning questions? Get them answered by our panel of experts in the interactive Q&A sessions.

5. Exclusive Offers: Attendees will enjoy exclusive offers, discounts, or giveaways during the event.


Don't miss out on this opportunity to [highlight the main benefit or purpose of the event]. Register now to secure your spot:

[CTA Button: Register Now]

Can't Attend? No Worries:

If you're unable to attend the live event, you can still register, and we'll send you a recording or event summary afterward.

Limited Availability:

Due to limited capacity, we encourage you to register early to ensure your spot.

Thank you for considering our invitation. We sincerely hope you can join us for this special event. Your presence would make it even more memorable.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

P.S. For any questions or assistance, please feel free to contact us at [Contact Information].

I look forward to sharing this experience with you.

2. Product launch webinar invite template

Subject Line: Unveiling [Product Name]: Join Us for a Groundbreaking Experience!

Dear [Recipient's Name],

We are thrilled to invite you to an exclusive and highly-anticipated event that will reshape the way you [describe the problem your product solves]!

Event Details:

  • Date: [Date]

  • Time: [Time]

  • Duration: [Duration]

Why You Can't-Miss This:

Prepare to be amazed as we unveil [Product Name], the innovation that's poised to revolutionize the [industry or problem area] landscape. Here's what's in store for you:

1. In-Depth Product Showcase: Gain a comprehensive understanding of [Product Name]'s features, functionalities, and how they will address your specific needs.

2. Live Demonstrations: Witness firsthand how [Product Name] works in real-life scenarios through live demos and use cases.

3. Expert Insights: Our team of industry experts and thought leaders will share valuable insights on [relevant industry/area] trends and how [Product Name] aligns with them.

4. Q&A Session: Have burning questions? We've got you covered! Engage with our experts during the interactive Q&A session.

Registration Benefits:

  • VIP Access: Register now to secure your VIP seat and be among the first to experience [Product Name].

  • Exclusive Offers: All attendees will receive an exclusive [Product Name] offer that you won't find anywhere else.

  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with like-minded professionals and industry experts in our virtual networking sessions.

How to Register:

Don't miss out on this groundbreaking event. Secure your spot by clicking the button below:

[CTA Button: Register Now]

Can't Make It? No Worries:

If you're unable to attend the live event, we've got you covered. Register, and we'll send you a recording of the webinar so you can catch up at your convenience.

Limited Seats Available:

Due to overwhelming interest, we have limited seats. Register now to ensure your spot!

Thank you for considering our invitation. We're excited to have you join us in shaping the future of [industry or problem area] with [Product Name].

See you at the event!


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

P.S. Do you have questions or need assistance? Feel free to reach out to [Contact Information].

3. Webinar reminder template

Subject Line: Don't Forget: [Webinar Name] is Just Around the Corner!

Dear [Recipient's Name],

We hope this message finds you well and eagerly anticipating our upcoming webinar, "[Webinar Name]." The event is just around the corner, and we want to ensure you have all the details you need.

Webinar Details:

  • Date: [Webinar Date]

  • Time: [Webinar Time]

  • Duration: [Webinar Duration]

  • Link to Join: [Webinar Join Link]

Agenda Highlights: In this webinar, we'll cover the following key topics:

  • [Agenda Point 1]

  • [Agenda Point 2]

  • [Agenda Point 3]

Our expert speaker, [Speaker Name], will provide valuable insights, share best practices, and answer your questions.

How to Prepare:

  • Ensure you have a stable internet connection.

  • Find a quiet, distraction-free environment.

  • Have a notepad and pen ready for taking notes.

  • Prepare any questions you'd like to ask during the Q&A session.

Countdown Timer: To build excitement, we've included a countdown timer: [Countdown Timer Link].

Add to Calendar: Don't forget to add the webinar to your calendar by clicking here: [Add to Calendar Link].

Webinar Resources: We've prepared some valuable resources that will be shared during the webinar, so be sure to attend to access these exclusive materials.

Registration Reminder: If you haven't registered yet, there's still time! Secure your spot now by clicking below:

[CTA Button: Register Now]

Can't Attend Live? No Problem: If you can't make it to the live webinar, no worries. Register, and we'll send you a recording afterward so you won't miss out on the valuable content.

We look forward to having you join us for this informative and engaging webinar. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to us at [Contact Information].


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

4. Customer success webinar template

Subject Line: Unlock Success: Join Our Customer Success Webinar!

Dear [Customer's Name],

We're thrilled to invite you to our upcoming Customer Success Webinar, where we'll explore strategies, insights, and best practices to help you maximize the value of our products/services and achieve your goals.

Webinar Details:

  • Date: [Webinar Date]

  • Time: [Webinar Time]

  • Duration: [Webinar Duration]

  • Link to Join: [Webinar Join Link]

Agenda Highlights: During this interactive webinar, we will cover the following key topics:

1. Success Stories: Hear inspiring success stories from fellow customers who have achieved remarkable results with our solutions.

2. Product Deep Dive: Get an in-depth look at the latest features and updates to our products/services, along with tips for using them effectively.

3. Best Practices: Discover best practices and strategies for optimizing your experience and achieving your desired outcomes.

4. Q&A Session: Have questions or need clarification? Our experts will be on hand to address your queries.

Registration Benefits:

  • Gain access to exclusive customer resources and guides.

  • Receive a certificate of participation upon webinar completion.

Registration: Don't miss out on this valuable opportunity to enhance your success journey. Register now to secure your spot:

[CTA Button: Register Now]

Can't Attend Live? No Worries: If the live timing doesn't suit your schedule, register anyway, and we'll send you a recording of the webinar for convenient viewing at your leisure.

We're committed to your success, and this webinar is designed to empower you with the knowledge and tools needed to thrive. We look forward to your participation.

If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to contact our Customer Success team at [Contact Information].


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

5. Follow up email for no-show

Subject Line: Missed Our Webinar? Catch the Recording!

Dear [Attendee's Name],

We hope this message finds you well. We noticed that you had registered for our recent webinar, "[Webinar Name]," but unfortunately, we missed you during the live session.

No worries—life can get busy, and schedules can change. We're here to ensure you don't miss out on the valuable insights and information we shared during the webinar.

Access the Webinar Recording: We're pleased to inform you that the recording of the webinar is now available for your convenience. By clicking the link below, you can access the entire webinar at a time that suits you:

[Webinar Recording Link]

Resources Shared in the Webinar: During the webinar, our presenter shared some valuable resources that we believe you'll find beneficial:

  • [Resource 1: Description and Link]

  • [Resource 2: Description and Link]

  • [Resource 3: Description and Link]

You can access and download these resources directly from the webinar recording page.

Additional Resources: In addition to the recording and the resources mentioned above, we've also included supplementary materials and handouts related to the webinar topic. These additional resources can be found on our webinar page as well.

Stay in the Loop: We understand that sometimes schedules can be unpredictable, so to make sure you stay informed about future webinars, events, and updates, please consider subscribing to our newsletter or following us on [social media platform].

Feedback is Valued: Your feedback is important to us, and we're constantly striving to improve. If you have any suggestions or if there's anything specific you'd like to see in future webinars, please don't hesitate to share your thoughts with us.

(Feedback form)

We appreciate your interest in our webinar, and we hope you find the recording and the shared resources valuable. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please feel free to reach out to us at [Contact Information].

Thank you for being a part of our community, and we look forward to having you join us in future events.


[Your Name] [Your Title] [Your Company]

Common Webinar Email Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Understanding what to include in your webinar invitation email is essential. It is important to recognize common mistakes and learn how to avoid them.

We’ve helped customers host thousands of webinars and have seen the common mistakes people make with invitations.

1. Not sending a dedicated email

Some companies choose not to send dedicated emails for webinars. Instead, they just include webinar info in their regular email newsletters. While newsletters serve a purpose, relying on them has its limitations. A dedicated email is crucial for maximizing webinar registrations and engagement.

2. Not Segmenting Your Email Audience

People on your email list have different interests and reasons for being there. Segment recipients by their preferences to send tailored webinar invitations. For example, you could make your invite to customers different from one sent to email subscribers.

3. Lack of clarity

If your email doesn't convey the webinar's value and what attendees can expect, it's likely to be ignored.

4. Overloading information

Keep your email concise and focused on the essential details. Too much information can overwhelm recipients.

5. No follow-up plan

Following up with registrants and attendees is very important. If it's not done, you might be missing out on potential leads and engagement opportunities.

Frequently Asked Questions about Webinar Invitation Emails

1. When to send webinar emails?

The timing of your webinar emails can impact their effectiveness. Typically, starting with an initial invitation email 2-3 weeks before the webinar date is good practice. Follow up with reminder emails a week before, a few days before, and on the day of the webinar.

2. When is the best time to hold a webinar?

According to research Wednesdays or Thursdays are the best days to host your webinar. On these days, it's best to schedule your webinar between 11:00am and 14:00pm. You can learn more here about the best time and day to host a webinar

3. What are the advantages of using templates for webinar invitation emails?

Webinar invitation email templates are designed to save you time. This also helps to maintain a professional appearance. These pre-made structures simplify the process of including webinar details in your communication. By using these templates, you ensure consistency and efficiency in your email invitations.

Wrapping Up

Creating a perfect webinar invitation is essential for the success of a webinar. Having the proper tools and webinar platform makes this a lot easier. We built Contrast to be a modern webinar platform, with engagement at the forefront. With our free webinar platform, you can customize your email invites and reminders.

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