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What is a Guest Speaker and How to Choose a Great One

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Guest speakers can make or break your webinars. 

Whether you're looking to educate your audience, spark discussions, or showcase your brand's expertise, having the right guest speaker can make all the difference. They bring fresh insights and credibility, helping you connect better with your audience.

They cal also break the monotony of always having the same person speak on every single one of your webinars.

We'll explore why guest speakers are important, the benefits they offer, and how to choose and prepare the ideal speaker for your next webinar.

What is a Guest Speaker?

A guest speaker is someone invited by a webinar organizer because of their knowledge, expertise, or passion for a given subject. This person is usually not part of the team that created the webinar, but will present during the session.

The goal of a guest speaker is to engage with other speakers, host the event, and bring a unique perspective to the discussion. 

Why are Guest Speakers Important?

Guest speakers aren't just there to deliver a speech—they help make hosting the webinar more dynamic by getting involved in discussions, answering questions from the audience, and even steering parts of the conversation to dig deeper into important points. They can bring real-world examples, share personal stories, or introduce the latest trends, making the content more interesting and relevant for the audience.

Having a guest speaker also boosts the event's credibility. It shows that the webinar is bringing in people who are experts or thought leaders in their field, which can attract more attendees who want to hear from someone they trust and admire. Plus, guest speakers often have their own following, which helps with webinar promotion.

In the end, the goal of a guest speaker is to make the webinar engaging, insightful, and interactive. They’re there to spark conversation, challenge ideas, and get the audience thinking in new ways. By adding their unique perspective, they help turn a regular webinar into a more memorable and valuable experience for everyone joining. 

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What are the Benefits of Having a Good Guest Speaker?

There are a lot of perks to having a great guest speaker at your webinar, and they can really take the event to the next level:

Boost Number of Registrants

A top benefit of bringing in a guest speaker is that they can help attract a bigger crowd. They often have their own following—whether that’s industry contacts, loyal customers, or social media fans.

When they promote the webinar to their network, it expands your reach and brings in more sign-ups, including people who might not have heard about your event otherwise. This is a great for lead generation and to grow your audience.

Increase Engagement

Guest speakers can make the session a lot more engaging. Their fresh perspective, personality, and presentation style can grab the audience's attention and keep them interested throughout.

Whether they’re sharing real-life stories, giving practical examples, or hosting a live Q&A, they help make the content more dynamic and fun, which usually means higher participation and better feedback from attendees.

Gif of Q&A on Contrast
Run engaging Q&A session on Contrast

Add Brand Authority

Bringing a recognized expert or industry leader on board can boost your brand’s authority. It shows your audience that your webinar is worth their time because it features someone who knows their field. This association can help position your business as a credible, knowledgeable player in the industry, borrowing a bit of the guest speaker's influence to strengthen your own brand image.

Pro tip: Make sure to brand your webinars to increase brand recall.

Improve Credibility

On top of brand authority, a guest speaker also adds credibility. When a well-known expert joins your event, it builds trust. People are more likely to attend, listen, and engage if they know there's an expert sharing insights. This extra layer of credibility can make the content seem more reliable and encourage attendees to take your products or services seriously as viable solutions.

Bring Unique Perspectives

One of the best parts of having a guest speaker is the fresh perspective they bring. Since they’re from outside your organization, they can offer new insights, ideas, or approaches you might not have thought of. This can lead to more interesting discussions and richer content, making the webinar more valuable for everyone watching. Plus, a different viewpoint can help your event stand out and leave a lasting impression on attendees.

In short, adding a guest speaker to your webinar is a smart way to boost attendance, amp up engagement, and build trust. 

What makes a great guest speaker?

A great guest speaker brings more than just expertise to a webinar; they add energy, personality, and a level of preparation that ensures a smooth and engaging experience for the audience.

Here are 7 traits that make a guest speaker truly effective:

1. Expertise and Knowledge

First and foremost, an effective guest speaker must be well-versed in the topic of the webinar. Their depth of knowledge is what brings value to the audience, as they can share insights, real-world examples, and practical tips that attendees can learn from and apply. 

They should be able to break down complex ideas into clear, understandable points, ensuring everyone can follow along, regardless of their background knowledge.

2. Engaging Presentation Style

Since webinars are virtual, the speaker won’t be able to rely on the same visual and physical cues they would in an in-person event. This means they need to bring a dynamic and engaging presentation style to keep the audience interested. 

Whether it’s through storytelling, humor, asking questions, or using interactive tools like polls and quizzes, a great guest speaker knows how to maintain attention and encourage participation throughout the session.

GIF showing a webinar stage with a presenter introducing a poll
Contrast helps increase engagement by adding polls on-stage

3. Preparation

Being knowledgeable isn’t enough; preparation is key.

A guest speaker needs to plan their content, structure their presentation, and make sure it fits within the timeframe of the webinar. They should also be ready to adapt if the session takes a different direction, like when unexpected questions arise.

You don't always need to have a webinar script but having a list of points you wish to cover with the speaker can help create a smooth experience.

Reviewing the agenda, understanding the goals of the event, and coordinating with other speakers are all important parts of preparation that help the session run smoothly.

4. Familiarity with the Platform

Technical issues can disrupt a great presentation, which is why it’s essential for guest speakers to be comfortable with the webinar platform.

They should know how to share their screen, use any interactive features, and troubleshoot basic problems that might come up. 

This helps guest speakers get familiar with the platform and ensures everything works properly, from audio and visuals to slides and polls. 

Pro tip: The webinar organizer should always do a test run before the webinar. This helps guest speakers become familiar with the webinar platform they will be using.

5. Adaptability and Responsiveness

Great guest speakers are flexible.

They can adjust their presentation if they see that the audience is particularly interested in a certain topic or if there are more questions than expected. 

They’re also quick on their feet, able to handle unexpected challenges, technical glitches, or tricky questions with ease.

Pro tip: Test your webcam and microphone with your speakers before the session.

6. Ability to Connect with the Audience

Even though they’re not face-to-face, an effective guest speaker finds ways to connect with the audience.

This could be through engaging introductions, acknowledging comments from attendees, or sharing personal experiences that make them relatable. They understand that a successful webinar feels more like a conversation than a lecture.

Gif of Contrast’s live chat
Contrast’s modern live chat makes webinar training interactive

7. Closing the Webinar with a Clear Call to Action

A great guest speaker knows how to wrap up their presentation with a clear call to action. Whether it's encouraging the audience to try a new strategy, sign up for a service, or continue learning on their own, they leave attendees with a clear next step. 

By combining expertise, engaging delivery, thorough preparation, and platform know-how, a guest speaker can turn a regular webinar into an engaging and informative event that keeps the audience engaged from start to finish. 

With a bit of coordination, a test run, and an understanding of how to connect with attendees, they can make a lasting impression that benefits both the audience and the event organizers.

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How Should you Choose your Guest Speaker?

Selecting the right guest speaker is important for the success of your webinar, and it goes beyond just finding someone with knowledge on the topic. A well-chosen guest speaker should improve the overall experience by adding depth, variety, and a fresh perspective. 

Here are some points to consider when selecting your guest speaker:

Diverse Perspectives and Opinions

Selecting a diverse range of speakers is key to delivering a webinar that resonates with a broad audience. Diversity can mean different things—varying professional backgrounds, different industries, cultural perspectives, or even contrasting viewpoints.

When you have speakers who can offer unique insights, the discussion becomes richer and more interesting.

Timing and Availability

It's important to host a webinar at a time that works for your audience. No one is going to show up for a webinar that's at 2am.

Make sure your speaker is going to be available at the best time and day to host your webinar — whatever that is for your audience.

Pro tip: Learn about our 34 webinars stats from our 2024 study to host the best webinar possible.

Types of Guest Speakers

Guest speakers can come from various backgrounds, depending on the goals of your webinar:

Industry Experts

These are professionals with a deep understanding of a specific field. Their authority can lend credibility to your event, and they can dive into detailed, technical aspects that interest your audience.


With a large following, influencers can help promote your event and draw new participants. They often excel at engaging audiences and making complex topics more relatable.

Team Members or Partners

Sometimes, it makes sense to have internal team members or business partners as guest speakers. They can offer behind-the-scenes insights or discuss how your products and services solve real-world problems.


Featuring a customer as a guest speaker can be a great way to build social proof. When prospects hear how your product or service has positively impacted someone else, it creates trust and encourages them to learn more.

Image of a webinar cover
Example of a Contrast customer running a webinar with an external consultant

6 Key Questions When Selecting a Guest Speaker

Asking the right questions can help ensure you’re picking the best possible guest speaker for your webinar:

Do They Add Value?

Before inviting a speaker, consider what they bring to the session. Will their insights be useful and relevant to the audience? Can they introduce new ideas or provide actionable advice?

What Is Their Unique Perspective?

Look for speakers who can offer a different angle on the topic. Whether it’s through personal experiences, specialized knowledge, or a creative approach, a unique perspective can set your webinar apart.

Do they Complement the Other Speakers?

Ensure your guest speaker’s strengths balance those of your other speakers. This way, they can each shine in their own area without stepping on each other’s toes, creating a smooth flow of content.

What Questions Will you Ask this Guest Speaker?

Plan in advance how you want to engage your guest speaker. Preparing thoughtful questions ensures that their expertise is showcased, and it helps keep the discussion focused.

Do they have Experience with Public Speaking & Presenting?

Not everyone who is knowledgeable on a topic can effectively present it. A good guest speaker should be comfortable speaking to a virtual audience, have clear communication skills, and know how to keep listeners engaged.

Will they Draw New People to the Webinar?

Consider the reach of your guest speaker. If they have a strong personal brand, following, or network, they can help promote the event, bringing in new attendees and broadening your reach.

The Importance of Planning and Coordination

Choosing the right guest speaker is only part of the process. 

Coordinating and planning your webinar are equally important to ensure they know their role, have all the information they need, and are prepared for the format of the event. 

Clear communication about expectations, topics, and how their input fits into the larger discussion can make a huge difference in how smoothly the event runs.

Make sure you prepare the questions for your guest speaker, so that they have time to prepare answers and cover key topics.

By carefully selecting and preparing your guest speakers, you can build a webinar that’s not only informative but also engaging, diverse, and memorable. When done right, a strong lineup of guest speakers can draw a bigger crowd, keep attendees invested, and make your event stand out to others. 

How to Find the Ideal Guest Speaker for your Webinar? 

Finding the right guest speaker can improve your webinar. Start by defining your goals and understanding your audience’s interests. Look for speakers with relevant expertise, such as industry professionals, academics, or influencers. Use platforms like LinkedIn, social media, and previous conference lists to discover potential candidates, and don’t hesitate to ask for referrals.

Once you’ve identified a few options, evaluate their communication skills by watching past presentations. Check their availability, discuss your expectations, and ensure they understand the key takeaways for your audience. 

Staying open to their suggestions can lead to a more dynamic, engaging, and interactive webinars.

Image of speakers during a live webinar
Industry trends are an easy B2B webinar idea to implement

Using Guest Speakers to get the Most Out of your Webinars

Guest speakers can add great value to your webinar by bringing fresh perspectives, expertise, and credibility. However, to truly get the most out of their participation, it’s essential to engage them effectively before, during, and after the event.

Here are a few tips to help you maximize their impact:

1. Encourage Promotion Before the Webinar

Once your guest speakers are confirmed, don’t be shy about asking them to promote the event (on social media for example).

Provide them with all the materials they need — social media graphics, sample captions, and links — to make it easy for them to spread the word.

The more they share, the greater the reach.

2. Share Performance Analytics

Let your guest speakers see how their participation made a difference. After the webinar, share key analytics with them, such as the number of attendees, engagement levels, and audience feedback.

This helps them understand how well the session performed and can encourage them to promote future events or share insights from the session.

3. Send a Post-Webinar Summary

Once the event wraps up, send your speakers a brief summary that highlights the key takeaways and notable audience interactions. This shows appreciation and keeps them in the loop, making them more likely to work with you again.

4. Create Short Clips

Use the best moments from your webinar to create short video clips. Share these snippets on social media to promote the replay, and make sure to tag your guest speakers. This not only drives more viewers to the replay but also gives your speakers content they can easily share, extending the reach even further.

Modern webinar tools offer Ai-repurposing tools to help with points 3 and 4 — and helping you generate a ton more content from every webinar.

By engaging your guest speakers throughout the process, you can boost the overall impact of your webinar and create opportunities for future collaborations.

Wrapping up about Guest Speakers

Selecting and collaborating with the right guest speaker can significantly improve your webinar’s impact. By bringing in diverse voices and expert insights, you can create a more engaging and informative experience for your audience.

From boosting registration numbers to increasing engagement and building credibility, the right guest speaker adds immense value. With careful planning, thoughtful coordination, and a willingness to adapt, your webinar can leave a lasting impression that resonates with attendees long after the session ends.

Webinars your Audience & Guest Speakers will Love

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